

    Our Android Training Course equips you with the skills needed to develop robust mobile applications. You’ll learn the fundamentals of Android development, including Java/Kotlin programming, user interface design, and working with APIs. The course covers Android Studio, the key development environment, and explores advanced topics like database integration with SQLite, real-time data with Firebase, and app deployment on Google Play. Hands-on projects ensure practical experience, enabling you to build, test, and publish your own apps. By the end of the course, you’ll be proficient in creating feature-rich Android applications, ready to advance your career as a mobile developer. Ideal for beginners and those looking to refine their development skills.


    • Comprehensive Curriculum: Covers basics to advanced topics in Android development.
    • Programming Languages: Instruction in Java and Kotlin.
    • Android Studio: Mastering the primary development environment.
    • User Interface Design: Creating intuitive and responsive UIs.
    • APIs and Libraries: Integrating third-party APIs and libraries.
    • Database Integration: Working with SQLite and Firebase for data management.
    • Real-time Data: Implementing real-time features with Firebase.
    • App Deployment: Publishing apps on Google Play Store.
    • Hands-on Projects: Practical experience through real-world projects.
    • Best Practices: Learning coding standards and performance optimization.
    • Debugging and Testing: Ensuring app reliability and performance.
    • Career Support: Guidance on building a portfolio and job preparation.
    • Fundamentals: Understand Android architecture and development tools.
    • Languages: Master Java and Kotlin for app development.
    • UI/UX Design: Create responsive and intuitive user interfaces.
    • Data Handling: Integrate SQLite and Firebase for data management.
    • API Integration: Implement third-party APIs for enhanced functionality.
    • Real-time Features: Utilize Firebase Realtime Database for live data updates.
    • Deployment: Publish apps on the Google Play Store.
    • Testing and Debugging: Ensure app quality using Android Studio tools.
    • Security: Apply best practices for app security.
    • Performance: Optimize app performance and memory usage.
    • Version Control: Manage code changes with Git.
    • Projects: Apply skills through hands-on projects for practical experience.
    • United States: $60,000 – $80,000 per year
    • United Kingdom: £25,000 – £35,000 per year
    • India: ₹300,000 – ₹600,000 per year
    • Canada: CAD 50,000 – CAD 70,000 per year
    • Australia: AUD 55,000 – AUD 75,000 per year
    • Market Dominance: Android holds a significant global market share in the mobile operating system industry.
    • Global Reach: Access to a vast and diverse user base worldwide.
    • Versatility: Supports a wide range of devices from smartphones to wearables and smart TVs.
    • Development Flexibility: Choice of programming languages (Java, Kotlin) and robust development tools (Android Studio).
    • Integration Opportunities: Seamlessly integrates with other Google services and third-party APIs.
    • Innovation Potential: Constant updates and advancements in Android OS and development frameworks.
    • Career Opportunities: High demand for skilled Android developers across industries.
    • Monetization: Potential for app monetization through Google Play Store and in-app purchases.
    • Community Support: Active developer community for learning and collaboration.
    • Continuous Growth: Opportunities for learning and evolving with new technologies and trends in mobile development.
    • Design and Development: Create mobile applications for Android platforms using Java or Kotlin.
    • UI/UX Design: Design intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces.
    • Integration: Integrate APIs, third-party libraries, and services into applications.
    • Testing and Debugging: Ensure app functionality, performance, and reliability through testing and debugging.
    • Optimization: Optimize application performance and memory usage.
    • Deployment: Publish applications on the Google Play Store and manage updates.
    • Documentation: Maintain documentation related to app development and updates.
    • Collaboration: Coordinate with cross-functional teams including designers, product managers, and QA testers.
    • Continuous Learning: Stay updated with Android development trends, tools, and technologies.
    • Problem Solving: Identify and resolve technical issues and challenges during development.


    Introduction about Java

    1: Introduction about Java Programming.
    2: Key Features Of Java Programming Language
    3: Basics of Object-Oriented Programming
    4: Compiling and Running First Java Program
    5: Java Data Types
    6: Java Operators
    7: Primitive Type Casting
    8: Taking Input from Console (Using Console class)
    9: constant (final variable)

    Declaring Class

    1: Declaring class
    2: Instantiating class
    3: Java memory management
    4: Object and Reference

    String Processing and Data Formatting

    1: The immutability of Java. lang. String class
    2: Key methods of the java. lang.String class
    3: The java. lang.StringBuffer and java. lang.StringBuilder class
    4: Dates, Numbers, Currencies, and Locale

    Implementation of Inheritance & Polymorphism

    1: Basics of Inheritance
    2: IS-A and HAS-A Relationship
    3: Member access and inheritance
    4: Constructor in inheritance
    5: Use of super keyword
    6: Calling super class constructor (super() constructor call)
    7: Method Overriding (Dynamic Polymorphism)
    8: final method
    9: Dynamic Method Dispatch
    10: Reference Variable Casting
    11: Abstract class and abstract methods

    Collection Framework in Java.

    1: Overriding toString(),equals() and hashCode() methods from the Object class
    2: Collection Framework overview
    3: Important Classes And Interfaces In Collection Framework
    4: Working with List

    Control Statement

    1: if-else statement
    2: switch-case statement
    3: for loop
    4: while loop
    5: do-while


    1: What are constructors?
    2: Need for constructors
    3: Declaring constructor
    4: Default Constructor


    1: Concept of package
    2: Creating user defined packages

    Introduction about Array

    1: Declaring, Instantiating, and Initializing 1D array
    2: Concept of Array of Arrays [2D array]
    3: Passing arrays to methods
    4: var-args (Variable arguments)

    Concept about Exception Handling.

    1: Concept of Exception in Java
    2: Exception class hierarchy
    3: Handling exceptions using try, catch, finally
    4: Use of throws clause (Propagating Exception)
    5: Use of throw Clause
    6: Creating User Defined Exception Class

    Concept of Threading

    1: Overview Of Threads
    2: Defining, Instantiating And Running Thread
    3: Thread Life Cycle (Thread State Transition)
    4: sleep() and join() method

    Android Development

    Introduction about Android.

    1: Introduction about Android.
    2: Environment Setup Android.
    3: Launch AVD in Android.
    4: Introduction about Android SDK
    5: Architecture of Android.
    6: Introduction about API in Android?
    7: Work with Android Emulator.
    8: Types of Emulator Use in Android.
    9: Android Versions Use in Android OS.
    10: Compiling and Running Application.
    11: Features of Android.
    12: Android Weights.
    13: About User Interface layout in Android and Introduction about XML?

    Introduction About Activity and Services

    1: Introduction about Activity and explain about Activity Life Cycle.
    2: Introduction about Services and explain about Service Life Cycle.
    3: Introduction about Broadcasting.
    4: Intent in Android and Types of Intent in Android.
    5: Handler in Background Threads

    Introduction about Rest API (Web Services)

    1: Java Script Object Notation Parsing (Json Parsing in Android).
    2: Introduction About Web Services and Types of Web Services.
    3: Run Time Permission Android.
    4: What is .JSON and .XML parsing?
    5: AsynkTask Class with Different Method.
    6: Multiple Types Java Script Object Notation API.

    Android Library and 3rd Party Lib

    1: Fetching data from the Server using Volley Lib.
    2: Get Data from the Server using Volley Lib.
    3: Post Data from the Server using Volley Lib.
    4: Martial Design Lib,
    5: Card view.
    6: Get Image from the Server using Picasso Lib

    Android Weights & UI controls

    1: Text View
    2: Edit Text View
    3: Button
    4: Radio Button
    5: Check Box
    6: Toggle Button
    7: Image Button
    8: Image View
    9: Progress Bar
    10: Spinner
    11: List View
    12: Auto complete Text View
    13: Grid View
    14: Custom Grid view
    15: Progress Bar
    16: Seek Bar
    17: Analog and Digital Time

    Fundamental of Material Design with Animation

    1: Introduction about Material Design and Types of Library in android.
    2: Invention of Material Design.
    3: Create Navigation Drawer Slide Menu.
    4: Add Animation in Android Activity and UI controls.

    Implementation of Google API on Android Mobile

    1: Generate Sha1 key for Google Play Store in Android.
    2: Access Google Map API key.
    3: Display Google Map Android Phone

    Content Provider (SQLITE DATA BASE)

    1: Working with Content Provider.
    2: Store Data from Mobile Device.
    3: Share preferences

    Deploy App on Google Play Store

    1: Upload Application on Google Play Store.
    2: Complete Deployment in Google Play store

    Introduction about Java
    Control Statement
    Declaring Class
    String Processing and Data Formatting
    String Processing and Data Formatting
    Introduction about Array
    Implementation of Inheritance
    Concept about Exception Handling
    Concept of Threading
    Collection Framework in Java.
    Mobile application (Android Platform)
    Introduction about Android and SDK
    Android Weights
    Introduction About Activity and Services
    Fundamental of Material Design with Animation
    Introduction about Rest API (Web Services)
    Implementation of Google API on Android Mobile
    Content Provider (SQLITE DATA BASE)
    Android Library and 3rd Party Lib
    Deployment Google Play Store
    No announcements at this moment.

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