Selenium Testing Course Training Online/Offline Take your career to the next level with our Automation Testing Course or Selenium Testing Course. Get Live training in the latest tools like Selenium WebDriver , TestNG Framework , Custom XML , Maven , Page Object Model, Selenium Grid , Extent Report , Junit , Jira Tool and techniques in the field of automation testing and learn about different types of Automation Testing frameworks, working with popular Automation Testing tools such as Selenium, Appium, designing and implementing test automation scripts, and understanding CI/CD. Our course covers the essential concepts and practical skills required for you to succeed as an automation tester. With our 100% Job Assurance, you’ll have the confidence and expertise to secure a high-paying position in the industry. Join the online and class room Selenium Testing Course with Technofine24 in Noida Sector 2 and get ahead of the competition in your career.

    Key Features of the Selenium Online / Offline course.

    1. 4 Months of Intensive Online / Offline Training.
    2. Delivered by industry experts 10 Years of Experience Trainer
    3. 20+ Hours of Practical Assignments
    4. Dedicated Mentor for Instant Doubt Clarification
    5. 3 Months Internship Certificate
    6. Hands-On Assignment for Each Module
    7. Assured Minimum Package 5-25 LPA
    8. Hands-On 5 Live Projects.

    1. Introduction To Java

    1. What is JAVA?
    2. History and Features of Java
    3. C++ vs Java
    4. JDK, JRE, and JVM (Java Virtual Machine)
    5. JVM Memory Management
    6. Internal details of JVM
    7. Download and Install JDK Software
    8. Download and Install Eclipse IDE

    3. Basic Syntax and Structure of Java Program

    1. Structure of a Java program
    2. How to add Comments
    3. What is Token
    4. What is Variables and constants
    5. Types of Variables
    6. Local Variables  and Global Variables
    7. Data Types
    8. Types of Data Types
    9. Keywords in javaOperators

    5.Object-Oriented Programming (OOPs Concepts)

    1. Classes and objects
    2. Inheritance and Types of  Inheritance
    3. Polymorphism and Types of Polymorphism
    4. Encapsulation and Get and Set Method
    5. Abstraction
    6. Interface in java and Types of Interface in java
    7. Constructors and Types of Constructor

    7. Introduction to Array in Java

    1. Introduction about Java?
    2. What is index in java?
    3. Types of Array
    4. Define Single D Array
    5. Define Multi D Array
    6. Declaration and initialization of Array
    7. How to Accessing elements?

    9. Introduction to Exception Handling in Java

    1. What is Exception Handling in Java?
    2. Try-catch block
    3. Multiple catch block
    4. Nested try block
    5. Throw vs Throws, Final vs Finally vs Finalize
    6. Exception handling with method overriding
    7. Java custom exceptions

    11. Introduction to Collection Framework in Java

    1. What is Collection Framework in Java?
    2. What is List in Java?
    3. What is Array List in Java?
    4. HashMap in java
    5. Set in Java

    13. Introduction to Automation Testing Using Selenium 4.0

    1. What is Automation Testing?
    2. Who developed Selenium?
    3. Selenium Components
    4. When we Switch to Automation Testing?
    5. Why Automation testing? /Advantages
    6. Disadvantages
    7. Automation Testing Tools

    15. Locator Techniques & Tools used in Selenium

    1. Preview Browser Addons overview to identify elements
    2. Preview Installing Firebug
    3. Locator Techniques
    4. Xpath identification using Fire path, Name ,ID, ClassName, LinkText,-
      Handling links , Tag name , CSS Selector
    5. Types of Xpath in Selenium
    6. Basic Knowledge about HTML Tags

    17. Switch Commands in Selenium

    1. How to switch windows or Tabs.
    2. How to switch Alerts
    3. Types of Alerts present and Methods to handle them
    4. Handling Java Alerts using WebDriver API

    19. Framework Part -1 - TestNG

    1. Introduction of the Testing framework
    2. Types of frameworks
    3. Tools for developing Test Framework
    4. TestNG introduction and Configuration with eclipse
    5. TestNG Annotations and Data Providers
    6. Creating Test Suit with TestNG
    7. Why TestNG and Its Advantages
    8. TestNG Annotations Part
    9. Prioritizing the tests using TestNG
    10. Disabling Enabling the Testcases and putting Timeout
    11. Importance of TestNG xml file
    12. Including and excluding the Testcases from Execution with TestNG xml file
    13. Importance of Groups in TestNG

    21. Maven in Selenium (Page Object Model)

    1. Introduction of the Maven
    2. Modular Frame work
    3. Maven POM
    4. Maven and TestNG Data driven concepts
    5. Maven and TestNG parameterization
    6. Hybrid Framework

    23. Cucumber Framework in Selenium

    1. Introduction Cucumber and Behavior Driven Development.
    2. Install Cucumber BDD ?
    3. What is Cucumber ?
    4. What are the Cucumber supporting platforms ?
    5. Why should I choose BDD with Cucumber training course ?
    6. What are the benefits of using Cucumber ?
    7. Create Cucumber Feature Files, Gherkin and Cucumber Options.
    8. Learn to write very effective and efficient Step Definitions
    9. Build frameworks to automate Web

    2. Design First Java program

    1. Introduction about class and Object
    2. Introduction about Package
    3. Introduction about Src Dir in Eclipse
    4. How to Create First Java Program
    5. How to Execute First Java Program

    4. Control Flow / Conditional Statements

    1. Introduction to Conditional Statements
    2. What is if condition
    3. What is else
    4. what is else if condition (Nested else if )
    5. Switch statement
    6. what is switch , case , break.

    6. Function or Method

    1. What is Function & Method in java?
    2. Define Parameter function in java
    3. Types of function in java
    4. Return data from one to another method in java
    5. User Input (Using Scanner class)
    6. Scanner Method in Java

    8. Pre Define Keyword in Java

    1. What is Static Keyword?
    2. What is Final Keyword ?
    3. What is Super Keyword ?
    4. What is This Keyword ?
    5. Static initialization block
    6. Instance initialization block
    7. Static nested class
    8. Difference between static variable and instance variable, static method and instance method, static block, and instance block.
    9. Calling of superclass instance variable
    10. Superclass constructor
    11. Superclass method.
    12. Calling of current class constructor, and method
    13. Difference between Super and This

    10. Packages in Java

    1. What is Package in Java?
    2. Package naming conventions
    3. Sub packages
    4. Types of packages, such as user-defined packages, built-in packages
    5. Importing packages in Java

    12. Access Specifier in java

    1. What is access specifiers and access modifiers in Java?
    2. Default access specifiers and access modifiers
    3. Public access specifiers and access modifiers
    4. Private access specifiers and access modifiers
    5. Protected access specifiers and access modifiers
    6. Using Scanner class implementation

    14. Selenium WebDriver

    1. Selenium WebDriver
    2. WebDriver Vs RC
    3. Download Selenium Standalone Latest version
    4. Write First Test Scripts in Selenium
    5. WebDriver commands
    6. WebDriver Interface explanation and Invoking Browser
    7. Basic Methods of WebDriver
    8. How to run tests in Google Chrome
    9. How to run tests in Internet Explorer
    10. How to run tests in Safari Browser

    16. Selenium Browser Method and Verification Commands

    1. How to get Title Method
    2. How to get Current Url Method
    3. How to get PageScource Method
    4. How to get WindowHandel Method
    5. How to get WindowHandels Method
    6.  How to get Text Method
    7. How to get Attributes Method
    8. IsSelected
    9. IsEnabled
    10. IsDisplayed

    18. Selenium Synchronization Commands and automate ADVANCNED Web UI

    1. Thread.sleep();
    2. Implicit Wait
    3. Explisit Wait
    4. Handling Ajax/Mouse Interactions
    5.  Actions class-real time example
    6. Handling Multiple Windows
    7. Window Handle concepts-real time example
    8. Live Example on working with Child windows
    9. Handling ul li Tags in Selenium
    10. How to handle Frames?

    20. Framework Part -2 -Data driven Framework (TestNG)

    1. Data driving Testing with TestNG
    2. DataProvider Annotation -Parameterizing Testcases
    3. Parameterising from TestNG xml file
    4. Why we should not hard code the data?
    5. How to write Global parameters with java code
    6. Data driving (Using JXL Lib)
    7. Use external Data for Testing (Excel sheet, XML files, Property file)
    8. Reading and understanding reports
    9. Screenshots of failed Test case
    10. How to Scroll Page

    22. Selenium Grid

    1. How to execute Selenium Tests Remotely
    2. Grid Concepts & Architecture
    3. Configuring Hub and Node
    4. Registering Nodes with Hub Server
    5. Desired Capabilities-Grid Program
    6. Execution Selenium scripts in Remote Machine
    7. Code and Commands

    24. Selenium Live Project

    25. Selenium Interview Preparation

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