Data Analysis

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  • Description
Data Analysis

Unlock the power of data with our comprehensive Data Analysis Course in Noida. At TechnoFine24, we offer expert-led training in MSSQL Server, PowerBI, Advanced Excel, and Python for data analysis. Dive into real-time projects to gain hands-on experience and master essential skills in data manipulation, visualization, and interpretation. Our tailored curriculum ensures a holistic learning experience, equipping you with the tools and techniques needed to excel in the field of data analysis. Whether you’re a beginner or seasoned professional, our courses cater to all skill levels. Join us and embark on a journey towards becoming a proficient data analyst in today’s data-driven world.


  • 4 Months of Intensive Online / Offline Training.
  • Delivered by industry experts 10 Years of Experience Trainer
  • 20+ Hours of Practical Assignments
  • Dedicated Mentor for Instant Doubt Clarification
  • 3 Months Internship Certificate
  • Hands-On Assignment for Each Module
  • Assured Minimum Package 5-25 LPA
  • Hands-On 5 Live Projects.

1. Understand Data Analysis Fundamentals
2. Learn Data Acquisition and Preparation Techniques
3. Apply Statistical Analysis Methods
4. Create Effective Data Visualizations
5. Conduct Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
6. Gain Proficiency in Data Analysis Tools (Excel, Python, R, SQL)
7. Use Advanced Analysis Techniques (Machine Learning, Clustering, Classification, Regression)
8. Interpret and Report Data Insights
9. Analyze Real-World Data and Case Studies

By the end of the course, participants will be able to perform data analysis, make data-driven decisions, and effectively communicate findings.

  1. Average Starting Salary

Range: INR 3.5 lakhs to INR 6 lakhs per annum.

  1. Influencing Factors
  • Location: Higher in metro cities (Bangalore, Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad).
  • Education: Higher for graduates from top-tier institutes (IITs, IIMs) and those with specialized degrees or certifications.
  • Skills: Proficiency in Python, R, SQL, Tableau, Power BI boosts salary.
  • Internship Experience: Relevant experience can lead to higher starting salaries.
  1. Industry Variations
  • IT and Tech: INR 4 lakhs to INR 7 lakhs per annum.
  • Banking and Finance: INR 6 lakhs to INR 8 lakhs per annum.
  • Healthcare and E-commerce: INR 4 lakhs to INR 7 lakhs per annum.
  1. Growth Prospects
  • Career Advancement: Significant salary hikes with experience.
  • Skill Development: Advanced skills in machine learning and AI can lead to higher-paying roles.

Data analytics courses are highly popular due to the growing demand for data-driven decision-making in businesses across various industries. Key reasons include:

  1. High Demand for Skills: There is a significant demand for data analysts in the job market, offering lucrative career opportunities.
  2. Versatility: Skills learned in data analytics are applicable across multiple sectors, including finance, healthcare, marketing, and technology.
  3. Competitive Salaries: Data analysts often enjoy competitive salaries and strong job security.
  4. Career Advancement: Mastering data analytics opens pathways to advanced roles like data scientist and data engineer.
  5. Accessible Learning: With numerous online and offline courses available, acquiring data analytics skills has become more accessible.
  6. Business Impact: Understanding data analytics empowers professionals to drive business growth and efficiency.

A data analyst plays a crucial role in converting raw data into actionable insights. Key responsibilities include:

  1. Data Collection and Cleaning: Gathering data from various sources and ensuring its accuracy and completeness.
  2. Data Analysis: Using statistical techniques and tools to interpret data sets, identify trends, and uncover patterns.
  3. Reporting: Creating visualizations, dashboards, and detailed reports to communicate findings to stakeholders.
  4. Collaboration: Working with cross-functional teams to understand their data needs and support data-driven decision-making.
  5. Problem-Solving: Identifying and addressing data-related issues and providing solutions to improve business processes.

In summary, a data analyst helps organizations leverage data to enhance decision-making, optimize operations, and achieve strategic goals.

